Meet The Owner

Go Beyond The Tint
With Kenny Elliott

As he juggles being an active man of the law while jumping into the world of business, Kenny's journey has always been about grit, passion, and doing whatever it takes. Come along as we dive into Kenny's story and see how his diverse background fuels the spirit of Cardinal Tint Solutions.

why did I start Cardinal Tint Solutins?

"I was desperately looking for a new passion but also wanted to find a path-way to support my family outside of being an officer"

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i am a father

As a father of an adventurous son and a charming daughter, family is the driving force behind all that I do.

8 year active officer

I became part of our local law enforcement to safeguard my community and loved ones.

Illinois Native

As a Madison County native, this place and the people here hold my heart, and I'm dedicated to seeing it all flourish.

"Hey everyone, Kenny Elliott here. Born and raised in the heart of Highland, IL, I had the privilege of growing up with both my parents, who instilled in me the values of hard work and dedication. Racing has always been a passion of mine, especially dirt track racing. In fact, I'm proud to sponsor a local driver and support the racing community whenever I can.

When it comes to food, nothing beats the aroma of smoked BBQ in the through the air. Whether it's ribs, brisket, or pulled pork, count me in! And when I'm not savoring those mouthwatering flavors, you'll often find me enjoying some downtime with my wonderful wife, Kate. Together, we cherish the simple moments and make the most of every day. So, here's to family, fast cars, and fantastic food – that's what life's all about!

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